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Where's the love? (on topic too,but long and really rambling...))
- Subject: Where's the love? (on topic too,but long and really rambling...))
- From: scirocco210 at hotmail.com (Parker Wulf)
- Date: Thu Jun 26 21:20:21 2003
ahhhh... the joy of owning a scirocco. I don't think its out to get you, Its
just saying "I love you." and "spend more time with me." Boy does my
rocco show how much it loves me, to much! :-) parker
>From: Cathy Boyko <losinit@usa.net>
>To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Subject: Where's the love? (on topic too, but long and really rambling...))
>Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 23:52:03 -0400
>OKay, you've heard me whining about how that beautiful little silver blue
>of mine has been acting like a big jealous baby, and was leaking gas and
>making sparks, and all that temper tantrum stuff. SO I know what's up with
>gas leak, it's fixed for now, and I just this evening I discovered what the
>start problem is about, something to do with the shift light wiring, so
>at least I can trouble shoot and it'll run just fine with no shift light, I
>won't miss it at all, but I have to confess the orange flash at redline at
>night is kinda cool. Plus all I have to do is hook the light back up and I
>have a nifty ignition disable.
>SO I had it to work today since the car thieves are all back in thier home
>communities, (exams are over) and it ran sort of pukey, like it does
>sometimes, not sure what that's about, just not it's usual screaming self,
>it behaved okay otherwise. SO I take it out for another romp in the evening
>(on the pretext of picking something up) and the car is on fire, it's
>the tires and revving so fast I can hardly change gears fast enough. So I'm
>telling her she's the best car in the world, I'll never get rid of her, the
>other car will never take her place, (yeah right, it's a car, it doesn't
>listen to me anyway), no cops or anything, just me and the road ahead. One
>those "so this is why I'm nuts about this car" moments. You know? (yeah,
>do) I'm grinning from ear to ear...
>SO being a good daughter, I stop in to see my mom and dad and when I pull
>of their driveway, I see a red light flashing on the dash, it's the coolant
>light. Oil temp is normal, so I'm not going far and drive it home. You
>it, coolant pissing out. Gotta love this car.
>The correct diagnisis is:
>a) The car knows Drew is coming over and it really wants to live on the
>with Carrots
>b) The car knows I'm headed out tomorrow to finally bring home the older
>c) The rad hoses are rubber and I should have replaced them with EVERY
>OTHER RUBBER PART on the car. Let's list them, no too many, seals, hoses,
>tires, you name it, I have a bill with the correct part number on it
>d) I was too happy about no drips on the garage floor and the car showed me
>what for
>e) I had been a bit over the 2 year change interval for the coolant, and
>needed a not-so-subtle hint
>f) The car really didn't feel like going to the track without me on Sunday
>So there you have it folks, another tale of woe, it's nearing NEPITA status
>once again. But was it ever fun to drive before the hissy fit.
>Stupid car, isn't it out to get me? Seriously, what's up with it? It's just
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