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Stereo reception
So, should I just connect this wire to the power wire which powers the stereo?
Rick Kellner <rfkellner@snet.net> wrote:
John, you are right. That little black wire that runs parallel with the
antenna conductor is the power to the fuba antenna amplifier. You will
get poor reception without the amplifier working.
Rick Kellner.
-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of John Lagnese
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:32 PM
To: ATS - Patrick Bureau; Mike Smith
Cc: _Scirocco Mailing List
Subject: Re: Stereo reception
Isn't that a power wire for the antenna? Its been quite a while since
seen mine.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ATS - Patrick Bureau"
To: "Mike Smith"
Cc: "_Scirocco Mailing List"
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:01 AM
Subject: RE: Stereo reception
> when I did this on my 16v88 (now sold to someone else) I grounded it
> radio body (had a screw casing type really close) and it cleared up
> signal nicely.
> ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
> Http://www.longcoeur.com/scirocco/
> ============================================
> '85 2.0L Prowler Orange Kamei X1 Rocco
> '85 1.8L Titian Red Rocco (daily driver)
> '98 4.0L Jeep Cherokee
> '91 7.3L F250 diesel Super cab,8 Ft box.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Smith [mailto:smithma7@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:53 AM
> To: ATS - Patrick Bureau
> Subject: RE: Stereo reception
> OK, here it is from start to finish:
> I had crappy reception to begin with. I pulled out the 'punkt, put
> JVC (which has worked just fine since I bought it year and a half
> Still have same reception issues. Whilst installing JVC, I noticed
> antenna cable DOES in fact have a little black wire running out of the
> cable. I'm now assuming this is the antenna ground. Where oh where
> this little wire be attached? To same ground as stereo ground or
> Mike
> ATS - Patrick Bureau wrote:
> humm so you removed the blaupunkt (how was the reception on that
> before
> removal?) because if reception was GOOD before the change then
> your
> wires (antenna) maybe it is loose, or the new radio is crap
(defective -
> yes
> this happens) one question if you have the amplified fuba (see
> works
> just fine... not amplified, nor fuba for that matter!) did you
> the
> antenna lead to the radio properly (this will affect your
> ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
> Http://www.longcoeur.com/scirocco/
> ============================================
> '85 2.0L Prowler Orange Kamei X1 Rocco
> '85 1.8L Titian Red Rocco (daily driver)
> '98 4.0L Jeep Cherokee
> '91 7.3L F250 diesel Super cab,8 Ft box.
> =>-----Original Message-----
> =>From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
> =>[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Mike Smith
> =>Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 9:43 PM
> =>To: Dave Ewing
> =>Cc: car
> =>Subject: Re: Stereo reception
> =>
> =>
> =>I just put the stereo in Saturday and when removing the original
> =>Blaupunkt, it was plugged in. It's a snug fit.
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> Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
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