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volkswagen calander update!!! (let's try again)

Count me in for at least one, but I'll also need it mailed when it's completed as I'm not planning on attending waterfest.

Sara Arms <gtigirlie@hotmail.com> wrote:
Sorry... typing too fast made me send the e-mail on accident.

Now.. where was I....?

Oh... JOSH - I knew you'd ask if the girls were nude!!! You dirt bag! 
No... I can't seem to find any full blown whores here in Vermont... so we're 
all in bathing suits and other "outfits" if you will. Sorry big guy...

RICH - you douch... you're too FAT, not PHAT to be in this calander... punk! 
You are on the verge of being a woman though, so if you reeeeeeeeally 
wanna be in it.....

PATRICK - If you can't tell yet... it's vw girls AND vw's! Eh? You can 
totally get one sent to you!

Anyway... I'm still putting it together and getting more pictures, so SOON 
I'll post some "samples" for the peep show! See ya!!


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