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Stereo reception
- Subject: Stereo reception
- From: smithma7 at yahoo.com (Mike Smith)
- Date: Tue Jun 24 06:33:59 2003
- In-reply-to: <000a01c33a48$ffc32020$f1c71ecc@phattydopebox>
I understand completely and please know that none of this is taken seriously. I thought when I first joined the list about 3 weeks ago that it would be technical and boring, but am glad to have found the opposite: technical and fun! I was just enjoying reading your posts and as I had had a couple of Heini's last night, was enjoying replying even more. :)
L F <rocco16v@netzero.net> wrote:
Just kidding you, Mike.
Just kidding.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Smith
To: car
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: Stereo reception
But, after putting in the Kameleon, I'm still getting static in the same areas of my commute. And, what's wrong with the 'punkt? Those 4x6's sound great, at least before I blew one of them. You should hear the rattle during the bassy parts of the Fight Club sound track. Well, if it can be heard over the car, itself. :)
L F <rocco16v@netzero.net> wrote:Original Blaupunkt????!!!!
No wonder you weren't getting good reception!!
(walks away shaking head...)
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Smith
To: Dave Ewing
Cc: car
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Stereo reception
I just put the stereo in Saturday and when removing the original Blaupunkt, it was plugged in. It's a snug fit.
Dave Ewing <MK1Scirocco16v@attbi.com> wrote:Depends on what your comparing it to. Does your Pontiac have an amplified
antenna system?? If not, then you should get better reception without the
Fuba. I would make sure that your antenna is plugged into the back of your
stereo. Sometimes they will jiggle out as we all know our cars are prone to
vibrations especially with the HD mounts and cammed up 2.0 liters!! HTH!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Smith"
To: "car"
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:20 AM
Subject: Stereo reception
> I get horrible reception on my stereo for stations that I can get just
fine with my Pontiac. Would this (Roof Mount Fuba Antenna Kit) fix my ills?
Isn't that what's on the 16v to begin with?
> Mike
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