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Speaking of carpet...

--- Dan Smith <sad_rocc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> People talking about carpeting the trunk reminded me how
> bad the roof covering is (that leather(?) white
> covering). After 22 years of sun exposure it's brittle
> and cracked. Has anyone replaced this, cheaply? I was
> thinking naugahyde would look really sweet, but it seems
> like an extreme amount of work to pull the other stuff
> and fit the new.

I want it if you replace it - your headliner is one of the
cleanest ones I've seen if it's the one I'm thinking it is.

Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80 S, 81 S, '85, '86 & '88 Sciroccos, 90 Passat Wagon, '56 Cessna 172
For Sale: '81 Scirocco, '82 Scirocco.
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong."

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