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SOT: interesting sightings
Speaking of interesting sightings, I will be spending the last week of July in Bermuda. No, I'm not trying to tease everyone, just trying to let you know what I saw last time I was there: tons of Sciroccos, most right side drivers. I was there for a week about 4 years ago and saw more Sciroccos in that week than I've seen in MD and VA and DC combined since we got back. That's a lot of Sciroccos. Last time, I had a cheapo camera and never really took any pictures of them. This time, however, I've got the sweet, sweet candy, er, I mean camera. Digital, that is. I plan one taking at least one pic per car if not more to share with you guys when I return. I don't care if I have to make a Uturn on a busy street to follow one till it stops, so I can snap a pic! IT WILL BE DONE.
Oh, I hope this doesn't upset the future wife, as this will be our honeymoon.... be she understands the appeal of the car it's affect upon me. It just dosn't affect her the same way. Oh well, she'll just have to deal. :) And for some reason, I don't thikn she'll make Cincy'04 with me, if there is one. I'd like there to be one since I found out about '03 about 2 days after it took place. BTW, love the air shot of the VW symbol spelled out with Sciroccos.
Dan Smith <sad_rocc@yahoo.com> wrote:
This past weekend I saw some sweet dubs. First was a VW Pointer from Couahulia (S. America somewhere I think). Looked like a cross between a Geo Metro and a Golf. My big sighting was last night though. A fire engine red early beetle with white-walled tires that the owner must scrub daily, perfect condition hubcaps and it was a convertible too. That was one pimp ride.
That is all,
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word (wûrd)
interj. Slang. Used to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used with up. Source
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