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Koni Sport Installation....
- Subject: Koni Sport Installation....
- From: scirocco81 at vwmail.net (Eric S)
- Date: Mon Jun 16 17:04:28 2003
If I remember correctly, both from the instructions from Koni and me putting mine in, you have to hacksaw that stupid nub off, and nothing will come out of it.
79 VW Iltis
81 Scirocco S (*TDI* swap and complete restoration in holding pattern)
81 Rabbit Truck LX Diesel (Waiting for BAE Turbo Install)
83 Scirocco Wolfsburg
91 Cabriolet (2.0 Crossflow 8v swap and mechanical rebuild in progress)
--- "Erik Seo - The Canyons Resort" <eseo@thecanyons.com> wrote:
>>>You didn't rebuild your existing ones? Why not? They
>>>have a lifetime warranty, and are cheaper to rebuild
>>>even if you bought them used...
>I called Koni and they sent out another set of them 2-day air. I just have
>to send the blown ones back and they won't charge my credit card # I gave
>>>I use a bad-a$$ impact gun set on "kill", myself. They
>>>have a way of working themselves loose...
>Yah, my old one's came a bit loose the same time my front end started
>getting bouncy.....and they did use an impact gun.
>I'll make sure to use the same gun they use on the big ass snow cats
>Oh, what about the little extension on the bottom of the shock insert? Is
>there a cap there that I can pry off? On the drawing it shows 2 gaps to
>cut, and I'm looking right now and it looks like it's a cap.....I don't
>want to pry the thing off only to realize that I have just snapped
>something off with the new shock leaking everywhere! =)
>Erik Seo
>Internet Media Specialist / Staff Photographer
>The Canyons Resort
>eseo@thecanyons.com <mailto:eseo@thecanyons.com>
>www.thecanyons.com <http://www.thecanyons.com>
>www.thecanyons-summer.com <http://www.thecanyons-summer.com>
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Neal Tovsen [mailto:nealtovsen@yahoo.com]
>>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 2:54 PM
>>>To: eseo@thecanyons.com; Scirocco List (E-mail)
>>>Subject: Re: Koni Sport Installation....
>>>> OK, just got a new set of Koni SA's.
>>>> I had them installed last time, just got the new
>>>> replacement front inserts
>>>> as the old one's just blew out.
>>>You didn't rebuild your existing ones? Why not? They
>>>have a lifetime warranty, and are cheaper to rebuild
>>>even if you bought them used...
>>>> On the instruction manual there are two things I was
>>>> wondering about.......
>>>> It has a photo of adding 50ml of something in the
>>>> strut housing....is that
>>>> oil? what kind?
>>>Whatever kind you have around. Heavy motor oil is
>>>probably best. It's to provide heat transfer from the
>>>strut through the housing to be cooled, and to reduce
>>>the risk of corrosion and cold-welding of the insert
>>>to the housing.
>>>> Also it's saying not to use an impact gun but to use
>>>> a torque wrench and an
>>>> additional box end wrench as it looks in it's little
>>>> cartoons for the top
>>>> nut on the strut bearing.
>>>I use a bad-a$$ impact gun set on "kill", myself. They
>>>have a way of working themselves loose...
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