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Tranny/Driveline problems
--- "Tobias ><" <scirocco16v88@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Symptoms: I was rolling the car last night after I lost
> moving power and
> heard some clunking.
> Today I started the car to see what it would do when I
> put it in gear - all
> gears engage without noise or grinding, can let the
> clutch up fine, but the
> car won't move and there's a considerable rumbeling
> coming from down below
> with the clutch engaged and gear selected - no noise with
> foot on the
> clutch.
BTDT - you likely blew an inner CV joint. I've done this
just backing out of a parking spot (wtf?) and also picked
up my $200 '85 years ago because the p.o. had the same
thing happen to him.
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80 S, 81 S, '85, '86 & '88 Sciroccos, 90 Passat Wagon, '56 Cessna 172
For Sale: '81 Scirocco, '82 Scirocco.
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong."
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