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- Subject: cincy...
- From: onequikkitty at hotmail.com (melissa koshmieder)
- Date: Wed Jun 11 14:11:19 2003
hi all. i was having some problems with my email so it really wasnt
working. i wanted to say thank you first of all to daun for having us all
out at his house. what a sweet guy!! and his family as well!! i also
wanted to thank everyone on the list for really making this one of the best
weekends ive had. i thought i was going to be mostly standing around by
myself a lot because it was my first time going and everyone all ready knew
each other. but from the moment i got there, i felt like i had known you
all for years. i cant wait for next year to unleash my car and see you all
again!! i would like to shout out a few thank you's to some people:
again, daun and family!! no explaination necessary on this one!!
josh able, for giving me a ride and the hotel room and not showing me
his...nevermind, you all know josh!!
jason and sara arms, for being awesome and hanging out with me all weekend
marc getty, for the ride home, and all of the fun we had, especially the
toad incident!
cathy, for being so super!! i was so glad to finally meet you! and a major
thanks for letting me drive the mk1 to the pic on saturday!!
patrick, for the awesome convo. over breakfast! and the ride in his
beautiful car (esp. the amber tint!) thank you so much!!
dan bubb, for 'unleashing the beast'. i dare not say more ;) oh, and for
the mega squirt demo
ron, for the awesome and very easy to understand tranny tear down
julie, for words of wisdom and letting me rave on and on about the
technology in her car
ben, for being such a sweet guy, i wish we could have talked more, i hope
you are going to waterfest!!
jason c., for talking me out of riding home with josh and his extra
150hp!!!! and the fun airplane stories
patrick boyle, for the good conversations. ill tell jondra you said hello!!
allyn, for the ride in the reiger!!!
peter, for being so amazingly funny and nice!!!! next time, dont drive so
damn fast ;)
jan, for being awesome and offering me a ride. and for talking with me
about music stuff. ill get you those cds very soon!!!!
scott williams, for the interesting 'debate' on vegetarianism
rich deede, for the ride back to the hotel on saturday, and attempting to
swim! we will go swimming at waterfest, hopefully the hotel has a pool and
it stays open past 9. and thanks for being willing to share your ironing
board with me!!
brett, for letting me meet frank and for helping me fix my email for the
last week!!
and a thank you to anyone that i may have forgotten. im sure i did because
i always forget someone. but dont get mad if i forgot you, i met a lot of
people this last weekend!!!!
Harrisburg, Pa
86 8v Scirocco ("new" body for my 87)
87 8v Scirocco (recently wrecked; guts soon to be donated to the 86)
87 Wolfsburg Jetta, 4dr
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