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My take - Cincy 2k3
--- Jason <jason@scirocco.org> wrote:
> At 02:26 PM 6/10/2003, Allyn wrote:
> > > It
> > > was also suggested to just not do any more video. We'll
> > > see, it's up to you guys really!
> >
> >what??? no videos??? aww, c'mon, i've been putting together this kick-ass
> >time lapse vid of the twin being built. please tell me it isnt all-for-not.
> I'm all for videos again next year, but I'd rather not do them again.
> Regrettably we couldn't see Anson's video because his CD had become
> saturated with dew and was unreadable.
> I gathered 3.5GB of videos to show that night, and I heard a lot of
> laughing. Then I heard a lot of complaints. You all are a tough crowd to
> please...
> I pass on the torch to the next brave/insane soul to tackle the Scirocco
> masses. :-)
Jason... you do such a good job at orchestrating the video night.
Sometimes it doesn't all work as planned, but then you just move on to
the next set of clips. I'm always impressed!
Anyhow, I hope you won't let the tough crowd keep you from doing it again!
I give ya a big thumbs up for all your efforts!!
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