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OT,...Brand New BBS Body Kit FS
Im not trying to low ball you or nothing but I just passed on a NOS kit
in the original cellophane for 600 shipped from VA. Arvin actually
bought it to fix his rear three pieces.
I know its unobtanium but Scirocco owners for the most part are the
cheapest bastards in the world heheh. Good luck finding it a home.
Curious about something...did the body kit come with the wind splits? I
have the NOS winglets but I thought that when you ponied up the cash in
the 80s that they might just throw them in.
Too bad all Zender stuff is made for the 8V, one of the wind splits is
shorter for the fender antenna! Bastards!
You're Face Here
-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of S. Coleman
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 8:57 PM
To: Scirocco List
Subject: OT,...Brand New BBS Body Kit FS
Ok boys and girls,... I am officially getting rid of everything scirocco
related that I no longer need/want. I'm just gonna let you all know
what I
have before it goes to ebay and local sales. First on the chopping
block is
a new, complete, BBS body kit for Scirocco II bodies. The kit has been
sitting in storage for 12 years. Still has factory "primer" on it and
bag of epoxy, and screws that came with it is still unopened. I have
so if you are interested I will send them out privately.
All offers will be entertained,... just understand that this kit cost
$1200.00 and there are few that are still out there.
'88 16v Rocco
'78 8v Rocco
'80 Caddy
'92 SLC
'02 337 1.8T
'00 GTI VR6
'97 Golf GL
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