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So, what ever happened to.....(long)
- Subject: So, what ever happened to.....(long)
- From: 16volt at scirocco16v.com (16volt)
- Date: Wed Jun 4 20:04:30 2003
The mad bastard and all the rest of the old crew? I see Larry's old
crotchety ass still spouting gibberish and I know Meze hasn't slipped
completely into senility. Potter seems to be doing well and Clown Shoes
KC is still live an kickn all over vwkotex. Im assuming that Cincy has
become the seminal Scirocco event now given ND is effectively dead
(would've made it were it not for a funeral). Poor Allyn had to deal
with me screwing him around for more than a year getting him copies of
the dealer vid. You all owe this guy a huge thanks and a beer for his
dedication to this list and Sciroccos in general. The IRS is not as
tenacious as this guy when it comes to getting what was promised to him.
As I sit the videos sit at my office at work boxed and addressed. I
should donate them to you guys. We all know what Hoonole's is
doing...nothing. Ting last time I talked to him was throwing rare German
parts at his ride and refusing to sell it to me. Heard Dirk broke his
arm.sorry man, get better. Is lifting Euro bumpers going to be part of
your rehab? Where's Mr.Block? Im assuming obsessively stroking his
cars..they don't get that shiny by themselves you know. I saw Wenzel and
Mannix are still tearing up the SCCA, ok who here doesn't know those
names!? Did Julie ever get her MK1 running? Where is Brett and his
supawhite ride at? Saw some pics of Maoines(sp) ride a while back and
wow...nice job man. Craig Williams.....you still out there? Poor guy his
16V died about the exact time mine did. What about Doug Teulie and
Guido. Thank god for his A/C and IV at my first ND. Is Hauser still a
The PNW crew has all fell by the wayside for the most part. Went from
heroes to zeros. The vomit comet has a bad heart as well as my ride. But
Andre has resurrected himself with the purchase of his new MK1 the
Nuremberg Nugget. Tim Eibling has a new kid on the way and the elusive
Mr.Peet already hatched one. Peets car just recently reawakened with
programmable EFI and is teething. I hear from the Saltyweasel
occasionally only to confirm his conviction to buying ugly obscure
German vehicles. Porter and Jung now have a successful turbo rigging
shop. Well its successful when they all run lol. Wing effectively shut
my mouth on 8Vs when his 8V turbo pulled 200hp to the wheels on a dyno
day last summer Porter snapping at his heels. Im slightly scared to see
what Jungs car puts down this weekend. Youd think ABA turbos were free
out here. Lisa's car has become Canada largest asshole magnet (hmm
wonder what that says about me?). Kelly's 1.8T is swallowing its new
organs up at Kinetic (Momentum) in its new skin. I heard Kelly's car is
the first car to be fully sponsored by Visa! Way to go Kelly, don't let
the wife find out! Andy has fallen off the earth rumored to have to
taken a job with the circus. Mr.Edwards car last time I checked was
still being rebuilt from the ground up, Clown Shoes style for the
upcoming show season. Paul aka Rockin16V gave me a bill for 6K dollars
to redo my website.so he must be doing well hehe. Ill get right back
with ya on that bud. And let the record state that theres very few folks
who are as hardcore as him when it comes to low Sciroccos, thanks for
the kidney boxing Paul. Saw TylerZ bout a year ago and his car was up
for adoption. Delong left bugaid and is doing a new thing on his terms
at Fine Tuning as Im sure everyone heard. Blain built a sweet MK1 then
was ingested by his own throttle bodies. Sad thing really, he was a nice
guy. Riley's new ride has been painted for over a year and yet while it
is somewhat road legal it still has but one interior feature, a drivers
Some of us folks out here in hippy land have completely vanished, me
being one of them. Some had cars stolen, and gave up. Some had break-ins
and such and just left. Some have just gone by the wayside. Well I guess
there's no reason for this post, just my yearly sign on and I was
wondering how all the children are doing.
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