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Setting the record straight!
Personally, I can't stand people that lie!
Yep, I flipped and told him 3 times in one message not to e-mail me again
because Dave thinks it's his place to bother me with his useless NOT
"proffessional (sic) and helpful" technical opinion, then coach me on how I
should respond to him! Dave was the one calling names. I suggested he should
look in a mirror.
I didn't realize Shannon was not on the list, but he did have a very
emphatic response to Dave's e-mail. Glad I asked him what he thought of it,
so he's aware that Dave's more than willing to fix his engine. ;^) (Now Dave
will say that I'm tattling on him! effing 4 year old mentality!)
Oh and of course, "If anyone has any comments please take it off list as
there is no place on
the list for any rebuttals concerning this email", because, of course, we
wouldn't want anybody to know what really transpired.
Like I said when I asked how to block his e-mails; I'm more than tired of
his shit!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Ewing" <MK1Scirocco16v@attbi.com>
To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 10:42 PM
Subject: Setting the record straight!
> Hey all!
> I just wanted everyone to know that I was sort of gone for a while (wasn't
> able to post) but tried to post to individuals when I thought I could
> I had some computer issues and figured I didn't want to go into fixing my
> email accounts until I fixed my computer.
> While I wasn't able to post, I see that Dan Bubb had you believing that I
> was bugging him at home. To set the record straight, I only emailed him,
> nicely and in a proffessional and helpful way, because I thought I could
> help with the A2 calipers on a Scirocco subject. He flipped and called
> names then cried to the list that I was bothering him directly.
> I have also had an issue (unbeknownst to me) with Shannon Fenton,
> unfortuneatly, spreading rumors about my apparant shoddy work on his 2.0L
> 16v block. I had built the block for him then once he started blowing
> billowing smoke, he LMK. I told him that it seemed like a headgasket,
> fixed it, and everything was OK, as far as I knew. Now, apparantly, it is
> burning oil. Instead of coming to me and asking for help he has decided
> spread rumors about me and whine to others about my work. At one time I
> told him that I would have no problem checking it out and fixing it but
> no reply. I have recently spoke to others that have had similar things
> happen to them with Shannon so I just wanted to make it known that I have
> done my part. The motor was built over 2 years ago and I am still willing
> to work on it.
> Just be careful who you all listen to when people bad mouth others. I
> learned from experience that rumors are usually not very accurate. Sorry
> wasted bandwith for this but this is what I do for extra money while going
> to college and supporting a wife and 4 kids and I am very good at what I
> I don't appreciate having my name maligned. If this was a "just for
> list, then it would be no biggie, but as there are MANY subscribers who
> to others with VWs or Sciroccos, this could cause problems with my work.
> If anyone has any comments please take it off list as there is no place on
> the list for any rebuttals concerning this email. Email it to me
> personally. I will not say any more on the subject if this is done.
> Thank you all!! I enjoy the list and plan on being he for quite sometime.
> SCIROCCO CONTENT!! My 79 is coming along well and should be running by
> fall. I'm shooting for 240hp and it will be a weekender/show car.
> Dave
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