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Look for VW shop in Pittsburgh
At 12:23 AM 6/3/2003, Matthew Lehrian wrote:
>Hi all,
>Does anyone know of any good VW shops in the Pittsburgh area? I just
>moved to Pittsburgh and need to find someone to service my Scirocco and my
>Bug. Thanks!
Hey Matthew,
You've come to the right place, welcome to the Burgh.
To be completely honest, I don't know of a shop in Pittsburgh that
is both great and honest. I know good ones (i.e. guys who know their shit)
but they're usually crooks, and I know honest idiots.
1. Steer (very) clear of Paul's VW. I used to live around the corner from
them, and they did do some work on my Scirocco from time to time in
emergencies when I couldn't get anyone else. Unfortunately, they're not
only crooks, but they're idiots.
2. Steer (extremely) clear of Junior's Waterworks. Junior (Roy Shelly) is
a nice guy -- and his wife Wanda is a great Auto-X driver -- but he is the
king of Botch. If you need something done cheap cheap cheap (but not
necessarily correctly), go there, otherwise beware.
1. I had great work done by Rock Ventrice in East Pittsburgh. (Ventrice's
Auto Service). This was about 5 years ago, so who knows now. He's a
factory trained mechanic and specializes in VW Transmissions... He did my
5th gear conversion, tie rods, shift linkages, speedo cable, and some other
stuff, all very reasonably and without removing the tranny from the car.
2. I personally won't let anyone touch my Scirocco, but if I would, it
would without a doubt be JV (Jason Valenta) at Next Level Custom Car Audio
in Greensburg. Now, I might be slightly biased because I live in
Greensburg and hang out down at the shop all the time, but at the same
time, I watch him work behind the scenes, and I'd trust him to do just
about anything to my car; he's a great mechanic. And you don't have to
think twice about them being honest. The shop's owner is Josh Volk (and
yes, he does drive a Volkswagen - a GTI 16V), and you can reach the shop at
(724) 219-4167. Tell them that "Cammisa" sent you from the Scirocco list.
And call me if you have any questions. Cell is 724 989 2771.
You coming to Cincy?
1987 Scirocco 2.0 16v
1994 Golf 4dr VR6
1990 E30 325iT
1997 E39 528iA
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