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does your oil temp gauge do this?
chances ares you have a bad ground situation, I would inspect clean and
upgrade al grounds on the car (battery to engine mount)-(alternator to
block)-(chassis to valve cover) I bet you that your "guage issue" will
resolve itself, the headlights will get brighter..
ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
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=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
=>[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Robbie Cotner
=>Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 11:10 PM
=>To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
=>Subject: does your oil temp gauge do this?
=>I've owned my Scirocco for about two years now and haven't
=>noticed this problem until recently. My oil temp gauge is funky:
=>-when you shut the engine off but leave the ignition on(turn off
=>switch back on immediately), it shows about 2-3C less than before.
=>-when I use the turn signals the needle bounces a bit.
=>-when I turn on the parking lights it reads about 1C higher,
=>headlights bring that up to 3C higher, and brights make it 5C
=>higher(so with all on it is 5C higher than with all off).
=>could this be in any relation to why my oil temps have been about
=>10C higher than usualy lately?
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