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(Very Long Rant)Worst Day Ever - Help me identify what happened to my car
It could also be a bad battery ground. This made my car die while I was
driving (in gear, so it had the same symptoms you describe.. couldn't
accelerate, but engine was still spinning). Run a new ground cable from
the battery negative to a clean, unpainted bolt on the engine block or
transmission (I used a starter bolt), and a second one from the battery
to a clean, unpainted bolt on the chassis of the car. This will vastly
improve all things electrical (bright lights, louder horn, faster starter
turn-over, better spark, etc)
....I'd be thinking along those lines....
My Rabbit truck was doing something VERY similar to this...I traced it down
to a bad ground and possibly a bad coil. I haven't had the chance to put it
out on the road again to see if I fixed it (need to bleed brakes), but I was
planning on doing it this weekend.
Check your grounds. If after it cools down it runs fine, but then bucks and
stalls after it's warmed up, you're experiencing the EXACT same shit I was.
GROUNDS GROUNDS GROUNDS.....not the battery ground either. There's a ground
wire that goes to the block.....it's a small gauge wire. For the life of me
I can't remember where it goes. I can't look now 'cause I'm at work. But
I'll check first thing and send you and email with that info....
Deez N.
'81 Rabbit Sportruck
'87 16v Scirocco (x2.5!!)