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Sirio CB/AM/FM/CELL(900) Fuba Style Antenna
Well there is no shop in the us that sells them
But Sirio has replied to my email and bvcause they have no outlet they are
willing to sell direct to me. :) (WHOOHOO!)
Here are the details;
1pc 2216215.00 TRIFLEX CB/AM-FM/900MHz US$ 68,00/ea
No cables included - Price includes freight charges and insurance
Lead time: 3 working days from order confirmation
Shipment: Paid in Italy CIF your home
Shipper: FedEx (door/door service)
Payment: by Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard)
I have requested price for the 5M cable CB radio and 5M antenna cable (but
both could be bought here anyways so I am not worrying all that much about
it anyways.)
Now I will request a price for 10 antenna's and see if anyone else out there
think they want one (I am getting 2 personally)
ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org
=>[mailto:scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Julie Macfarlane
=>Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:22 AM
=>To: txrocco@sbcglobal.net; vwscir88@hotmail.com; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
=>Subject: RE: Sirio CB/AM/FM/CELL(900) Fuba Style Antenna
=>Ohh I agree with the fact it would look better, and would be
=>interested if
=>some one brought a few in to the states. Something like that
=>would greatly
=>extend the range of the PRS radios the list uses on caravans. An antenna
=>matcher could be built very cheaply or placed on Scirocco.orgs
=>web site for
=>the list to build.
=>With one on my car, I may not have driven past Bretts house on the way to
=>Cincy last year! I never knew that I blew past them in "Break Down Annie"
=>and beat them there. I just kept driving faster thinking I would
=>catch up at
=>some point in time :)
=>Julie Macfarlane
=>Menlo Park Research & Development
=>Internet Application Developer
=>Amsterdam NY
=>>From: "ATS - Patrick Bureau" <txrocco@sbcglobal.net>
=>>To: "Julie Macfarlane"
=>>Subject: RE: Sirio CB/AM/FM/CELL(900) Fuba Style Antenna
=>>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:59:46 -0600
=>>alright going technical, so you are saying that optimum antenna lenght is
=>>16.52 Ft tall, and that only 1/2 (8.26FT) 1/4 (4.13) or 1/8 (2.065FT) are
=>>The antenna is 450mm Long (450 Millimeters = 1.476378 Feet) with is a
=>>little less than 1/10 and a little more than 1/12 of the OPTIMAL size.
=>>now I have used THe glue on windshield cb antenna's (1.5ft tall) and have
=>>after SWR gotten 7 miles range oon flat areas with it. So I beleive that
=>>this is not the prefered "antenna" for CB radio, but I aint going to be
=>>slapping anytime soon a 72 inch whip behind my rocco, this aint a ford
=>>The specs do advise that max output would be 10Watts, considering I run a
=>>4watt cb radio (unmodified) I think this will do what I need to
=>do (listen
=>>in to truckers for cops) and keep the looks of the rocco fairly close to
=>>intact without adding a CD antenna ontop of my car.
=>>yes its personal choice over "full blown" practicality.
=>>ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
=>>=>-----Original Message-----
=>>=>From: Julie Macfarlane [mailto:juliemac57@hotmail.com]
=>>=>Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:49 PM
=>>=>To: txrocco@sbcglobal.net; vwscir88@hotmail.com;
=>>=>Subject: Re: Sirio CB/AM/FM/CELL(900) Fuba Style Antenna
=>>=>A transmitter antenna must be wave lenght matched. Meaning
=>that the full
=>>=>wave frequency for a 27 Mhz radio (cb) is 16.52 feet (both
=>sides + & - of
=>>=>the sinusiodal waveform). Divisors of lenght are allowed but in
=>>=>even steps
=>>=>only. Mismatch the antenna and the forward moving wave (energy) can be
=>>=>reflected back to the transmitter and burn out the output stage.
=>>=>Therefore 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 wave antennas are good. Either that or
=>>=>extra wire is
=>>=>added to balance the load at either the base or in the middle of the
=>>=>antenna, and to fine tune the antenna a matcher (SWR) is added in line.
=>>=>I didn't see this antenna matching the correct frequency for a
=>>=>CB. Maybe the
=>>=>hand held FM jobs on 900 mhz, but not 27Mhz.
=>>=>Sorry boys
=>>=>Julie Macfarlane
=>>=>Menlo Park Research & Development
=>>=>Internet Application Developer
=>>=>Amsterdam NY
=>>=>>From: Patrick Bureau <txrocco@sbcglobal.net>
=>>=>>To: brett cooke <vwscir88@hotmail.com>, scirocco-l@scirocco.org
=>>=>>Subject: Re: Sirio CB/AM/FM/CELL(900) Fuba Style Antenna
=>>=>>Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 19:11:03 -0800 (PST)
=>>=>>This antenna is actually a CB antenna with an Fm and
=>>=>>GSm coiled around the shaft, it is not a power FM
=>>=>>antenna in any way, that is what is different
=>>=>>and no you cannot use a standard FM antenna to
=>>=>>transmit CB radio signal, youll just end up burning up
=>>=>>your cb radio.
=>>=>>--- brett cooke <vwscir88@hotmail.com> wrote:
=>>=>> > what is the difference betwwen this antenna and the
=>>=>> > stock antenna?
=>>=>> >
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