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UpShift light acting funny
Actually, this isn't a upshift light, but more a optimal fuel consumption
That mean, it will light if the fuel comsumption is optimal, if you press the
accelerator then the comsumption isn't optimal and the light goes off, the same
if you release the accelerator.. This light will turn on only if your rpm os
about over 2000, and that you are at a constant speed... It is actually
controlled by a vacuum line connected to the trottle...
Hope this help to clarify,
--- Brett Van Sprewenburg <brett@shell.netacc.net> wrote:
> >
> > The upshift light in my rocc is acting up. It is lighting up in 5th gear
> when I have nothing to upshift into. Also in lower gears, particularly 2nd,
> it flickers sometimes. The flickering is much more distracting than a solid
> yellow.
> >
> > What should I do? I'd rather disable it completley. Do I have to pull a
> relay or something?
> >
> > Speaking of relays, what do the numbers on the back of the relays signify?
> >
> > Thanks a lot,
> > Marko
> >
> > ---
> > 87 Scirocco 8v
> >
> Go to http://www.scirocco.org
> Click 'Search'
> Type in "upshift light" into search string form and do the search...
> Enjoy 100's of hits on how to do this job. :-)
> ==Brett
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