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[Re: CINCY 03 - Dates & Details!]
On Friday, January 24, 2003, at 07:48 AM, Cathy Boyko wrote:
> "Lyman M. Terni" <ternil@union.edu> wrote:
> <snip>
>> I STRONGLY encourage everyone to bring their Sciroccos -
>> after all that's what the whole weekend is about. If you
>> just can't bring yours, it's ok - but you'd better have a
>> good excuse. :) (Yes Lyman, you're still welcome.)
> </snip>
> the raddo will feel like the delinquent little brother, hiding in the
> lawn...eating unsuspecting passers-by :).
> LT
> Won't be eating me, the only Raddo I fear is the SEM one up here, and
> it has a
> turbo the size of my head...(good Lord it's fast)
> Cathy (sorry, I couldn't help myself...)
> PS. I'm sure we can cook up a "tech procedure" for it...(J/K)
All I gotta say is if I come back and find my car on its side,
completely pillaged with hunters in the field stalking it...I'm going
to to be very very upset...