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Quite OT: NYTimes.com Article: TV Ads Say S.U.V. Owners Support Terrorists
At what cost? Does anyone know what diesel is going for in Europe?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Sterling" <bgsterling@earthlink.net>
To: "Brandon Smith" <SCIROCCO_SPEED@msn.com>; "SCIROCCO-LIST"
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 7:55 AM
Subject: RE: Quite OT: NYTimes.com Article: TV Ads Say S.U.V. Owners Support
> <snip Brando>
> Not to mention that the V-10 TDI Toureg will come with an outrageous
> of torque. . . Something like 550 ass kicking ft/lbs. and about 310~320 hp
> <end snip>
> This sounds great... for our non-US friends. According to Autoweek, the
> diesel is not coming to the states. I believe it has to do with us having
> the old, dirty diesel fuel compared to Europe's newer, cleaner burning
> diesel fuel. Hopefully our fuel will be similar enough to Europe's in
> when our government regulations kick in that we'll be able to start
> importing some of the cool diesels that they get.
> - Brad
> '86.5 Volkswagen Scirocco 16v
> '76 International Scout II
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