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[Re: Quite OT: NYTimes.com Article: TV Ads Say S.U.V. OwnersSupport Terrorists ]

"Rabbit16v" <Rabbit16v@attbi.com> wrote:
Just curious, how is electric motor cars harmful to the environment?

Hydrogen is interesting but at the same time, wouldn't we all be driving
around in rivers of exhaust?


One of the concerns about hydrogen is the source of it, often from the
electrolysis of water, which implies good old electricity, which may come=
a coal burning polluter. (or from Niagara Falls, which is preferable) But=
hydrogen cells are interesting to me, enough that I've invested in them. =
electric hybrid cars (ex. the Insight) do have limited lifespans on their=

batteries, which pose some disposal problems. But they are sure slick car=
and run a faster quarter than my TDI. Of course, they weigh nothing, unli=
ke my
happy little tank.
