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OT Headgasket job prob
Did you set the ignition timing right?
FWIW, I ignore intermediate shaft timing, and just install the dizz
where I want it and set timing from there.
Put your timing light on, and watch the marks on both the flywheel and
cam pulley as someone else turns it over. You should be close on both
--- John Lagnese <jlagnese@massed.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Working on my daily driver, a 91 Jetta GL 1.8L. Changed the
> headgasket and
> no fire now, I'm getting compression, gas and spark. I even used some
> ether
> and not so much as a catch. I also reste the timing belt several
> times. I
> was using the outside mark on the timing belt cover. The timing mark
> at the
> flywheel is lining up then also. It seems to be all hooked up. Any
> ideas?
> Thanks,
> John
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