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[ot] etka (rant)

   due to a message that i received, i'll re-issue the following 
request: please do not put a copy of the etka or copies of the etka that 
you obtained from me for sale on e-bay. i'm not paranoid and thinking 
that it might all leads back to me, BUT *these are intended as tools for 
vw (scirocco) owners*. i sell it at cost as a service to other 
enthusiasts. please note that if i do catch this version of the etka 
(from me) on e-bay, i will contact the highest bidder and sell it off 
auction for less. i cannot emphasize enough how much i've provided this 
as something helpful for people and NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. 
understand, i have no problems with you making copies for free or 
charging to cover your costs, but charging others large sums of money 
for something you just copied is simply wrong. call me anal or what-not, 
but i am dead serious about this.

   ON A LIGHTER NOTE: i'm hoping to make it to cincy this year with a 
couple things in tow (ahem), one of which being extra copies of etka. it 
may be a slightly updated copy, but i will ensure its functionality 
before i disperse them. there will be a limited number of copies and 
when they're gone, they're history until i can confirm the final non-6 
Gb version of the etka. i'll only be asking for $1 each (since they'll 
not be shipped) or trades (sorry ladies, i'm a gentleman :)
   this past e-mail is to indicate the last time i'll be mailing out any 
more versions of the etka, hence the stated final time. i'll be going to 
the post office thursday to send out what i have. if you're still 
interested please let me know now *off-list*. thanx.

  /\_/\	  Foxx (in a box)
< o o >	  http://foxx.tripod.com
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