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Feeling itchy.. Anybody else got the cincy itch?

--- Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well at least I insist he wears the safety harness.  Who
> knows what he'll be doing this year, maybe hanging out the
> open doorway of a Cessna.  ;p

Oooooh, ooh... I'll do it!  I call shotgun!  ;)

Think we could find a parachute to borrow, you know, just in
case I were to "slip" or something.   ;0

> > Is Cincy here yet?!!
> I wish.  I think about it a LOT lately...

me too... finally the weather forcast shows temps into the
40's next week... just *maybe* the cold weather will soon
leave us.  Then I could at least start driving my mk2 again.
I miss driving the rocco.


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