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OT: intent...WAS Re: [Re: Oh baby!]
So how much truth is there in what Saddam is doing or Al-Quada? Would we
want to just let this small group of people try to attack and rule the world
when it is apparent that you shouldn't terrorize your own people or people
in another country just for being Westenized? Imagine what it would be like
if they got so many chemical weapons put together and nuclear weapons that
we were held at a stale mate? We'd all be forced to live as radical muslims
or whatever Saddam wanted us to do. We aren't attacking because they like
cauliflower and we like broccoli, the KILLED many of our INNOCENT friends
and family just sitting at work, doing their jobs and our babies sitting in
daycare waiting for their mommy and daddy to get off of work. Going after
the Pentagon and the White House is cool too?? I guess I just don't share
in that type of living then. There is a right and wrong here and we are not
----- Original Message -----
From: "T Berk" <tberk@mindspring.com>
Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: OT: intent...WAS Re: [Re: Oh baby!]
> Ron Pieper wrote:
> >
> > Shawn, I agree with everything you have said but the following:
> >
> > --- Shawn c Meze <skerocdriver@juno.com> wrote:
> > > There's been no terrorist activinty in Irelant for a few
> > > year's now since the peace treaty.
> >
> > <http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk>
> > <http://www.uup.org/current/displayfullpress.asp?pressid=650>
> >
> > Another Clinton failure.
> >
> > But now, if they all drove Scirocco's, and participated in a free,
> > respectful forum such as this, then things would be different. See,
> > they'd stay on topic, provide each other with support, cheap parts,
> > free advice, drum out dickweeds, and there would be "peace in our
> > time".
> >
> > Oh did I really type that bit of peacenik liberal babble? Last time
> > someone said that, Hitler ran over Europe like a pickup smashing spring
> > peeper froggies. And if you haven't seen *that*, it's quite the
> > squishy mess.
> >
> > Sorry TBerk, couldn't resist. I broke my promise, didn't I?
> >
> > _______________
> Hey, Scirocco Luv fer you, and I luv Shawn too. ;]) (Some of you
> might get jokes from Unka Kev now and then- no question what his
> political leanings are). 8P
> I'm staying out of it- I'm never going to be Right Wing, and despite
> the fact I was raised in the SF Bay Area (flower child of the Sixties)
> and worked up headlines for the Black Panther Party newspaper on my
> dining room table as a youngster), And even though I am registered a
> Democrat (lesser of the evils for me) I am not a Lefty anymore than I
> am a DittoHead. And I don't vote the Party line either.
> Bottom line: This world is being run by Human Beings. We don't do
> hardly none of the good things we ought to do. Whole bunch of grey in
> the Good Guys/ Bad Guys thing.
> The other guy believes his truth just as much as you do yours, eh?
> TBerk
> growing older and having a kid will broaden your thoughts & feelings,
> one can only hope.
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