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OT: intent...WAS Re: [Re: Oh baby!]

Why is North Korea or China not suffering the same ire from our Great and
concerned President?  They both self-admit having nukes and bio-weapons.
They both have human rights violations on another level.  Terrorists?  The
news reports i have seen from other countries is there is no Al-quida(sp)
connection for Iraq.  Tony blair himself denied there was one.  China is on
Most Favored Nation for the first time in maybe 20 some years thanks to
Bush.  Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist remember?  Stomp the state he came
form or his friends and family for association?  I believe Ireland has a bit
of a "terrorist" problem also(catholics+protestants=carbombs). There are
american families affected directly by that. The solution is to attack
Ireland on behalf of those families right?  No.  My challenge to the
leadership is why Iraq(whom Reagan "I don't recall" illegally supplied with
weapons, talk about a liar)(Iraq was a terrorist nation even at that
time)and not alot of other nations if not the oil or Bush senior reason?
Imperialism is imperialism.  When you forcibly try to dicatate how people
run their own country you are a terrorist. 

Joshua C.