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OT:Of Mice and Fords

Well, here's one for you. I've had my pickup in to the school shop for about 
two months while they try to figure out why it can't exceed 30mph due to 
severe clutch slippage. (It honestly won't go faster). PP and friction disc 
were like new when they came out, and hydraulics were the next suspect. So 
that got done, and it all looked to be working, but still no grip. So off 
with the bell housing yet again, (the poor kids, its been off about four 
times) and all looked good except for a few fibres peeking out of the 
pressure plate assembly. I looked at it when it first came out, and didn't 
even notice them. Anyway, today, between the shop teacher and I we extracted 
about 2L (2 qts for youz yankees) of mouse nest, it was all packed in behind 
the pressure plate to the point where the clutch was just barely engaging. I 
couldn't believe how much stuff was in there, and you couldn't even see it. 
Just one more reason to keep that plug in the timing hole on ours I guess, 
there are several openings in the mighty Ford's bell housing. This is the 
same truck that had dead mouse bits blowing out of the vents at one point, 
the mice love it. Hopefully it'll be good enough to get a Christmas tree for 
the weekend!

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