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16v steering wheel
I had the same problem with mine. I wore a hole through it in the top about an inch wide. I found a leather sw on eBay from an 87 Passat that looked just like mine (except for one minor difference) and was same size. Looks great, feels great, and you wouldn't even know that it's not from a 16v Scirocco unless I told ya. And, with shipping, it was under $40.
Calimus <calimus@techography.net> wrote:
Ok, I know I did this about 6 months or so ago, but now I'm really
getting to the point where I need a new (new to me) 16v leather steering
wheel thats in as close to perfect shape as possible. Mine has finally
worn down to the rubber in a spot and it's very irritating.
So who can hook me up with a good condition wheel for a fair price?
William Snyder
88' Scirocco 16v (Crabby 16v)
89' Cabriolet 8v (dead bunneh) RIP 8/25/03
71' Karmann Ghia (air sucker)
http://www.techography.com/scirocco (s.org forums)
Scirocco-l mailing list
word (wûrd)
interj. Slang. Used to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used with up. Source
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