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<br>Well, good point, but if you are driving a rocco to begin with<br>you are way old school and retro!  So why not a little more !<br><br>It actually cracks me up how much people try to make their 80s roccos<br>into 90s cars... like that blue beast somebody just posted.<br><br>-ed<br><br><br><br><br>On 22 Aug 2003, 

  agreed. it's floors me, though, to think that my daily driver is approaching 20 years old. hell, i'm only 25. and i know there are other out there whose car is older than they are. rather spend $1000 a year in repairs for my current wheels than $4000 in repairs and car payments for some new beast.
  but, back on topic, sucks the louvers for my car are $200. on the other hand, they do remind me of a daytona. trade off, i guess.

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