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Pulled over
Here here!! I was thinking the exact same thing, Mike, as I read Julie's
post. I didn't even think they could pull you over to look at you car????
My last (only) speeding ticket I was pulled over in a 50 zone for doing 50.
After he wrote me for doing 50 in a 35 I told him it was a county road with
no postings. As he fumbled and said to call him to clear it up I was proud
that our county cops were out catching the rapists and murderers!! Ended up
going to court since the checks and balances prevent cops from fixing
tickets. Got out of the ticket. Now I can't get pulled over! I don't know
why. I liked it at first as I passed cops on the freeway, pulled away from
them on arterials, but now I am getting mad that they don't even pay
attention (sort of). I guess they see me in my Diesel Caddy and don't
figure I'm a threat. Do they put on your file that you beat a ticket in
still no tickets
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Smith" <smithma7@yahoo.com>
To: "car" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Pulled over
> A shocking abuse of authority! And he let the three diamonds that was
going faster than you get away just becuase he wanted to check out your car.
I honestly respect them for taking on a job that a lot of people don't want,
but they piss me off when they do stuff like this.
> Julie Macfarlane <juliemac57@hotmail.com> wrote:As I dropped my speed from
80 to 65, I saw the cop. The mitsubishi kept
> pulling away.
> All of a sudden I see the lights, ahhh, hes going after the other guy.
> Nope. Damn, he's pulling ME over.
> The State trooper walks besides the car several times looking it over. I
> thought I was busted.
> Nope again.
> He told me he hadn't seen a MKI in a long time, Just wanted to look.
> Whew
> He restores BMWs and we know the same people, (Mark & Dave etc).We talked
> cars for a few minutes and then with a page, he was off.
> Its nice to be recognised, but scarry as heck :)
> Julie Macfarlane
> Menlo Park Research & Development
> Internet Application Developer
> www.menloparkrandd.com
> www.montgomeryweb.org
> Amsterdam NY
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