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Pics of the body defects on my Scirocco, how bad is it?
get me your vin I have carfax, maybe it was reported..
ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
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=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
=>[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Andrew Wong
=>Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 7:35 PM
=>To: Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
=>Subject: Pics of the body defects on my Scirocco, how bad is it?
=>I finally got around to taking pictures of where I
=>think there was an accident in my Scirocco. I don't
=>know how bad the accident really was, but somehow the
=>passenger rear side looks a little different. On the
=>wheel arch there are paint bumps and its a little
=>uneven, the other side doesn't have that. I think I
=>also might have found the weld seems also.
=>Heres the link to the pics
=>-Andrew Wong
=>1984 Black Scirocco
=>1987 White Quantum wagon
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