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Assemble MegaSquirt

The motor would never idle below 1500, and it took a lot of work to get it to that point.  Keep in mind this is a really built bike engine with no alt, no water pump, no flywheel, so it had no inertia to help keep things even.  

MSquirt FAQ says it has ability to control idle solenoid, so i'd do that.  I don't know the specifics (dwell based like ours? anyone know?).  Our bike engine didn't have even that much.  What I was wishing for in the previous e-mail was an ignition based idle fine tuning.  Motronic does this (don't know which Motro., maybe all), advancing or retarding ignition to home in on the right idle speed.  It's used in addition to the idle bypass air system because it reacts much more quickly than the bypass solenoid valve stuff.

CIS-E systems don't do the ignition idle stuff either, AFAIK, so it's not like its essential, just a nice bell/whistle.  Just something I mentioned, not a big deal.


--- Neal Tovsen <nealtovsen@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> If you are looking for standalone ignition, all I
>> can really tell you is that I really liked the MSD
>> MC-4 digital stuff.  Super easy to work with.
>> Wish it had some utilities to help control idle
>> speed, but I'm not aware of one that does.
>Cool info. Thanks!
>Regarding idle, did it have difficulty mainting idle
>at all times, or are you just talking about
>SDS offers an optional throttle bypass valve solenoid
>to increase idle when cold. I think it opens/closes it
>based on coolant temp. Can Megasquirt do that too?
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