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A few more newbie questions...

  First piece of advice: buy a Bentley manual.  It will be the cheapest
money you spend on your 'roc.
In it you will find the compression numbers are as follows:
new: 145-189
wear limit: 109
max delta: 44
(all in psi)

You have a computer-controlled idle speed, so there could be lots of things
wrong and you'll still idle at the rpm you describe.  Do a complete tune-up.

Parts such as the coolant temp sensor are available from parts4vw and
others.  Check Scirocco.org for a comprehensive list of good suppliers.

I've noticed that, more than once, listers have mentioned a suspicious
connection between the polyurethane front mount and cracking of the front
crosspiece.  Like Dan, I am old enough to appreciate smoothness/tranquility
over hair-trigger responses and would recommend the stock mounts until you
feel an actual need for more stiffness.


1.) What's a good compression (in lbs./in. or whatever units a typical
compression tester uses) for my 1988 1.8 16v (PL).  Engine has 165,000
miles, but was rebuilt 40,000 ago (new pistons, rings, head reconditioned,

2.) My car vibrates excessively at idle.  No idle problems, though - stays
dead at 850-900rpm.  I have replaced the front motor mount because it was
shot, but the other 2 (3?) seem ok. (I also jacked the engine up a bit to
see if the vibration would go away - it didn't).  I know these creatures are
known for vibration, but has anyone ever aligned the motor mount points and
got good results?  I'm starting to lose the hairs off my eardrums from so
much vibration ;-)

3.) In my goal to eliminate the slugishness my car has, I would like to
replace the coolant temperature sensor... (think of it as peace of mind).
Is this possible, and where can I find the part for sale?

Thanks, Ryan H.

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