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HVAC Control Panel Bulb
hummm tech note... lol
ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org
=>[mailto:scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Euroroc II
=>Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 11:24 AM
=>To: T. Reed; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
=>Cc: Scirocco-Al
=>Subject: Re: HVAC Control Panel Bulb
=>This is funny since I just replaced mine last night :-)
=>If you are very careful and use an exacto blade and a small
=>screwdriver you
=>can remove the back plate from the front panel... the white piece
=>that has
=>the light in it.
=>Now that this is removed take a pair of needle nose pliers and
=>push on the
=>two metal contacts coming out the back of the panel, behind the
=>bulb until
=>they push out the bulb assembly. The bulb lives inside a plastic tube and
=>is not part of the panel. The contacts are part of this tube and
=>the whole
=>thing will slide out.
=>Now that you have this take the needle nose pliers and pull the two metal
=>contacts out... Wiggle a little but not much since you will need to press
=>these in again. With the contacts pulled out the bulb will fall out since
=>it was held in by it's leads on these tabs.
=>A replacement bulb is hard to find since most of the bulbs in
=>this diameter
=>are too long but you can make due with a bulb like the one inside the
=>headlight switch. First use a Dremel to mill out the inside of the bulb
=>carrier making it deeper. Take the new bulb and unfold the leads so they
=>are straight and slide the bulb into the carrier and test fit it into the
=>assembly... You need to make sure you have gone deep enough so the top of
=>the bulb does not interfere with the clear plastic used to distribute the
=>light... you can remove the carrier again buy using a small metal
=>poker to
=>push it out from the back side since the leads are not yet installed.
=>Once the depth is met you need to put the contacts back. Place
=>the new bulb
=>into the carrier. The bottom of the carrier, where the contacts go, is
=>sorta T shaped where the contact pin fits into the top cross of the T.
=>Place the bulb into the carrier and using a small pair of
=>tweezers bend the
=>leads so they come down the vertical part of the T...
=>Text art may or may not work.
=>| |
=>|________ ________|
=> | |
=> | __ | <---Lead bent into this channel.
=> |____|
=>With the lead in place press the two metal contacts back in... they will
=>pinch the wire when they slide in and hold it in place as well as make
=>electrical contact. Test the bulb and if it works slide the
=>carrier back in
=>and re-assemble the whole thing using super glue in just a few places...
=>Don't use a lot since you don't need it and you may, someday need to
=>replace the bulb again.
=>That's it!
=>Simple huh?
=>The easier version of this experiment is to find one of the older panels
=>that used replaceable bulb and if it does not have the icons you want
=>simply take the two panels apart and swap back plates to make
=>your panel a
=>removable bulb panel... but that would be toooooo easy... My way is much
=>more complicated and satisfying.
=>At 02:43 AM 10/27/02 -0800, T. Reed wrote:
=>>Yeah, it can be done. That's what I did before I got the backing piece
=>>from the removable bulb plate. Actually, I used a dremel tool to
=>chew away
=>>the side of the bulb holder "stem". Then I desoldered the old, burnt out
=>>bulb and soldered in a new dash bulb in its place (the same 2721-ish bulb
=>>that is used elsewhere). Worked fine, but leaked a little light
=>around the
=>>side.. the electrical tape I wrapped around it melted so I finally went
=>>ahead and got a removable bulb plate like I described in my previous
=>>On Sat, 26 Oct 2002, Scirocco-Al wrote:
=>> > Has anyone ever tried to just drill a hole where the plug is
=>and insert a
=>> > light from radio shack in there?
=>> > ----- Original Message -----
=>> > From: "Kevin Collins" <kcollins1@socal.rr.com>
=>> > To: "Scirocco List" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
=>> > Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 8:31 PM
=>> > Subject: Re: HVAC Control Panel Bulb
=>> >
=>> >
=>> > "T. Reed" wrote:
=>> >
=>> > > What I did was find a panel in a junkyard that was similar but not
=>> > > identical to mine. It had words like "MAX A/C" and "VENT"
=>spelled out
=>> > > instead of the cute little icons.
=>> >
=>> > I got a brand new replacement from Potter a couple of years ago and
=>> > mine has the english text on it too.. apparently that's what you get
=>> > if you go new at this point.
=>> >
=>> > --
=>> > Kevin Collins
=>> > Huntington Beach, CA
=>> > '86.5 16V 2.0
=>> > '02 GTI 337
=>> >
=>>Scirocco-l mailing list
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