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Stuck Clutch Disk was: Weekend fun

drew wrote:
> I had the clutch rust on my '80 Rabbit after a winter of storage years and
> years ago.  I couldn't start the car except in Neutral, then couldn't
> shift gears, of course.
> I ended up having to take the transmission out to free the stuck clutch.
> I don't think I'd ever try that again though.
> Drew

Back about ten years ago I was living right in the middle of the Metro
area (Oakland's Lake Merrit District, Adam's Point to be exact) and I
rode car pool and Muni most every were.

My original Roc was a 77 4 speed and I had it layed up and non-op for
over six months. Anywho, on a Friday the boss say, we signed you up for
a training class out in bum-fu... uh San Ramone, here's the directions.
Be there @ 8 am Monday morning.

No busses or friends going that way so I fired up the Roc which of
course would not release the friction disk. Rusted splines I assume. And
here I had started it up over the weekend and though all was well.

Crash boxing it onto the freeway was easy and lo and behold it finally
came loose after about 30 miles or so.

SO if this happens to any one that might give it a change to vibrate
free over an empty stretch of road or something.
