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rough idle...
Quick question:
I start up the car and (as Daun said was normal) the OXS and oil lights come
on. The volt guage registers ~12v. Idle is around 1200RPMs and very smooth...
car seems very happy with its place in the world.
goose the throttle, OXS and oil lights go off and volt guage goes to ~14v, idle
drops to about 900RPM and idle is complete garbage. Like painful idle, drops to
~700 then slowly works up to about a grand then back up and down.
Now, My OXS sensor is completely shot, its unplugged... so my question is, what
is the deal here? if anybody can explain this phenomonon to me, I would be
greatly appreciative...
87 8v -The duct tape doesn't hold so well in the rain :(
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