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- Subject: R32
- From: ats@vwmail.net (ATS - Patrick Bureau)
- Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 22:32:44 -0700 (PDT)
I agree lets all preasure Peugeot to export that 206 rallye edition Model... (gawd that car kicks ass!)
ATS - Patrick Bureau
1985 8v Euro GTX 3A/JH Project
1985 8v Euro GT Project (Daily Drive)
--- Kevin Collins <kcollins1@socal.rr.com> wrote:
>Neal Tovsen wrote:
>> That is cool and all, but:
>All very good points and I agree with you 100%.
>I love my 337 - for <$23, it was a bargain, and has a bunch of "real"
>performance upgrades and some nice cosmetic stuff too.. truly a first
>for VWoA. But $32k for an R32? Who in their right mind is going
>to buy one? And, by the time it arrives, the Mk5's will already
>be hitting the road in Europe, with intro here to follow shortly
>thereafter, so it's on an obsolete platform by the time it even
>hits the streets.
>There will be a nicely equipped 20th Anniversary GTI out come
>springtime, which should be even nicer than the 337. That car
>will be a far more practical purchase than an R32 will ever be.
>Kevin Collins
>Huntington Beach, CA
>'86.5 16V 2.0
>'02 GTI 337
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- R32
- From: nealtovsen@yahoo.com (Neal)