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warm up procedures
--- "Lyman M. Terni" <ternil@union.edu> wrote:
> What, if any winterizing procedures do you guys
> recommend? Any
> particular parts/fluids that I should have in the car?
Basically what Hitman said, though I only drop down to 10w
40. Also, lube your doorhandles / mechanisms with
something like WD-40.
> How about warmup
> times?
My procedure:
-Get in, start car, set heat controls to defrost.
-Get out, scrape ice & snow off of all windows.
-Get in, drive away, be *very* easy on the go pedal for the
first several miles.
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80 S, 81 S, '85, '86 & '88 Sciroccos, 90 Passat Wagon
For Sale: '66 Cessna 150, '82 Scirocco, '82 Pickup.
Parts cars: '81 Scirocco, '87 Scirocco 16v - ASK!
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