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Help from our German Reading Listers..

This is what I got out of it, literal translations of
course. Seems they are for round lights only. And they
seem to also be an upgrade for OEM BMW Angle Eyes for
those who would want brighter ones. And they do list
Scirocco for some reason, but since these are for
round lights I guess that would only be usefull for

Strahlendes WEIß mit den Ringen von

Radiating WHITE with the rings of www.
standlichtringe. com

So düster war es bisher !!

It was so gloomy previously!  

Doch ab sofort wird es ein neues WEIß für Angeleyes
geben. Heller als je zuvor. Wir liefern ausschließlich
7500mcd helle Industrie-LEDs zu unseren

Yet immediately, it becomes a new WHITE  with 
Angeleyes.  Lighter than ever before.  We deliver 
7500mcd light output industry-LEDs with our light

Hier gibt es Standlichtringe ( Angeleyes  genannt ),
für alle Fahrzeuge mit runden Scheinwerfereinsätzen !

Here is light ring (Angeleyes named), for all vehicles
with round floodlight inserts!  

Natürlich sind die Ringe auch mit blauen LEDs zu
bekommen. So ist der Showeffekt perfekt

Naturally the rings are made with blue LEDs.  So the
show effect is perfect.

Im Moment sind leider nur VW und BMW-Bilder verfügbar,
aber das wird sich ändern .......

At the moment, unfortunately only VW and BMW-pictures
are available, but that will change ......  

--- Cory Langford <corylang@dccnet.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if someone who understands German
> could possible look at a
> page for me and find out exactly what the product
> is.
> The page is <http://standlichtringe.com/>

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