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16v hesitation

I've been playing with my mixture a lot lately.  Based on 
several "performance" oriented websites, I set the DPR to 
3-4 ma (bouncing off 2.5).  That did absolutely nothing 
for me.  So I set it to 10ma per the Bentley.  It runs 
great and I get 2 more MPG.  

On to your problem.  I don't think its the mixture.  Mine 
has always given me a 9.9ma (leaner than yours) reading 
when cold.  It runs fine.  You may have some vacuum leaks 
or a different fuel-related problem.  Have you checked the 
ignition timing?

87 16v
Long Beach

"Chris Oliver" <coliver80@hotmail.com>
|Heres the scoop guys. my 87 16v starts up, idles fine, 
|and runs down the road fine. however when i go to tromp 
|on it the car boges down for a second then it unwinds. 
|ive replaced plugs, wires, coil, cap and rotor, and fuel 
|filter with no success. so i decided to check the fuel 
|mixture. i hooked up my analog meter the way im suppose 
|to and im getting a reading of 8ma when the car is 
|cold...when the car is warmed up it still reads 8ma iwas 
|told it was suppose to be around 4ma. i tried to adjust 
|it with the 3mm allen wrench and nothing changed still 
|reads 8ma...i dont understand. second question my car has 
|almost over heated twice while sitting at red lights 
|because the fan wont kick on. but when i park it at home 
|to check it out the fan kicks on...is it possible for the 
|fan switch to stick from timt to time or is my fan motor 
|on the blinks. any help would be greatly app. thanx 
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