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Common Sunroof Woes?
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At 05:43 AM 10/16/02 -0700, you wrote:
>where can one get the pieces to rebuild a sunroof? my seal is completely
>shot so that water pours in my lap when i brake. also, the thing doesnt
>want to move when i crank (i have to help it along with my other hand).
>and... there are scratches all over the top like it drags against metal on
>its way in and out. if this sounds familiar/easy fix to anyone, let me
>know. if not i need to rebuild the whole thing.
Junkyard would be a good place, don't know if new ones are
available. Seals are available, but still the drains should take away a
lot of that water, unless they're plugged.
Have you checked? The scratches are from it being adjusted too high. It
needs to come down a bit(mine was doing this too). The Bentley manual has
the procedure-do you have one?