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Another honda race story, Victor is victorious. Yawn.
Way to go, gotta keep those rice burnin punks in their place. On another
note. Went into the city last weekend to see a movie (Signs). When we were
leaving we conveintly pulled up next to a newer GTI. I was driving my Audi.
So I blip the throttle a bit to see if he is into it. He also blesses me
with a blip of the throttle. So the light turns green and we both take off
amid lots of blue tire smoke. Now the cool part for me was that we both
stayed side by side. We both also seemed to be shifting at almost the exact
same time. So anyway, we did this for two blocks getting up close to 80mph
between lights. At the 3rd light he turned right and I went straight. He
pulled up next to me and tooted the horn and waved to me. I was surprised to
see an older man driving it. I would guess he was in his 50's. Anyway, it
was just cool to run into another vw enthusiast and have some fun late at
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Pieper" <rapieper@yahoo.com>
To: "scirocco-mail list" <Scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: Another honda race story, Victor is victorious. Yawn.
> So I'm sitting at a red light, ready to turn left, and a guy in a red
> Civic Si pulls up next to me to turn right, and gives me "the look."
> Then I conveniently realized that I was going wrong if I went left, so
> I backed up and got behind the Civic to go right.
> And the light changes, and off he goes hard farting and all like the
> Vtec hondas with silly exhaust tips do, so I think, what the heck, and
> I lay into it.
> This is a 2-lane road. He gets behind traffic, so we're ready to rock
> and roll as soon as the car ahead of him turns off. Which it does.
> So, naturally, he gets the jump on me, but I let ol' Victor and his
> 150,000 miles breathe a bit, and before you know it, I'm rather quickly
> on his ass, breathing an evil puff of vtec smoke every time he shifts.
> I get a little melodramatic waving my hand in front of my face and
> pretending to cough, just for fun. Victor stays right with him and
> would've had a nice Honda hood ornament until I back off just a tad.
> Later, he pulls off and gives me a wave, which was cool for a honda
> guy.
> I just smiled. Made me feel 18 again.
> This was on Ohio 37 just NW of Columbus.
> Can't wait for that 2.0L!!
> =====
> Cheapass Ron
> '87 Scirocco 16'Victor'
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