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TRIP TO GERMANY!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG. Why does there have to be the ONE person each month on this list
who has to b*tch about this kinda stuff? As far as I have seen so far,
the subject headers on this topic are clearly identified. It is a
Scirocco subject, therefore this type of discussion belongs on the
Scirocco list. I too have absolutely no interest in this thread, which
is why I delete the messages before reading them. I opened this one
since it caught my eye with the overused exclamation marks -- hmm, that
must be interesting. Not.
Really -- how hard is it to sift thru not-so-interesting messages by
simply deleting them?
Rabbit16v wrote:
> Hey all!
> It REALLY is cool that a VERY small portion of the list is going to Germany,
> and you will really enjoy it (lived there for 2 1/2 years) but could we
> PLEASE take this discussion off the list somehow? Don't we have a place
> that you all can discuss the trip (was set up for parts and miscellaneous
> stuff)? It's not ONLY because I'm jealous (married with 4 kids
> too--wouldn't trade my situation for the world though) but also because it
> is a lot of unnecessary mail for me to sort through. TIA!!!!
> Dave
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John C. Worden" <scirocco@powerlink.net>
> To: "Allyn" <amalventano1@comcast.net>; <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 9:01 AM
> Subject: Re: who has too much $$$- How to bring back a MkI
> > At 11:44 AM 10/7/02 -0400, Allyn wrote:
> >
> > >josh,
> > > didnt dirk have a buddy with a warehouse full of mk1's? some of
> which
> > > needed to go to a good home? i may consider coming along to bring a mk1
> > > back with me. (or perhaps a hornstein mk2, if i could find a beat up one
> > > to restore). so... how would we get said german titled car transferred
> > > over to the states and registered here? whose got info on this?
> > >by the way, how many of us would be crashing at dirks place??? (heh).
> > >Al
> > >
> >
> > Al,
> > I'm not sure how they do things down your way, but, up here a car as old
> as
> > a MkI doesn't need a title. If I were doing this(theoretical-because I'm
> > not) I would have someone, such as Dirk, find me a MkI and purchase it for
> > me. I then insure it, go to my town office(or city hall or DMV-whatever
> is
> > applicable)with proof of insur. and the bill of sale I wrote myself(but as
> > someone such as John Doe etc) and I now have plates and registration for
> > the car. Now shipping it back *might* be a slight problem if they track
> > whether the car ever went to Europe from the US in the first place. But
> > other than that, simple.
> >
> > John
> >
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