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[OT] NorCal Folks note:[Fwd: [maserati] All-Italian Car Day in Alameda,SF Bay Area]

This is old car stuff, just not Scirocco, let alone VW related. 

In any case an Italian did design our early body styles so maybe that
counts for something.

I'll be trying to sell the BiTurbo to a good home, anybody else
interested in going (MarkH? It's in your back yard.) contact me off

I'm out to join up with Kevin in Monterey. He deserves an escort into
the Bay Area, prodigal son and all that. 

Richard Lane wrote:
> If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area then there's a great event coming
> up in Alameda on Sunday October 13th. The All Italian Car & Motorcycle show
> at Lincoln Middle School in Alameda. I went for the 1st time last year and
> was really amazed at the great range and quality of cars and bikes that were
> being shown. Italian cars only of course. Also good food and prizes -
> proceeds go to the Alameda Special Olympics.
> You can just show up with your italian car to exhibit from 8:30am
> (pre-registration is already closed), the show is open from 10am to 3pm. $5
> entrance fee for non-exhibitors.
> Address is :
> Lincoln Middle School
> 1250 Fernside Blvd
> Alameda
> CA 94501
> more details from Scott Harding on (510) 521 1453
> High Street exit off 880 near Oakland Colisuem - drive towards the bay on
> High Street, turn left on Fernside, road bends right and the school is
> further down on the left.
> Let's get loads of Maseratis down there - we had about 4 last year. Not bad
> but room for improvement. I'll be there in the purple Ghibli.
> Richard Lane
> ---
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