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Mike VanAmburgh wrote:
> It's been sitting since 92? 180k miles in 5 years (87-92)? Sheesh!
> You could swap the alternator, battery and brakes
> yourself. Does it need brake rotors or just pads? If it needs rotors
> too, plan for a bit more $$.
> Mike
I'm with the others. If the motor has decent compression then just swap
the stuff yourself. In fact if it's been sitting a long time the Alt may
not even need replacing, just new/ better ground connections & cables to
get the power where it's supposed to go.
Mike mentions rotors being a bit more but they are only about $30-45
bucks anyway.
Purge ALL fluids and a little TLC and awaaaaay we go.
- References:
- questions
- From: nathanarruda1978@hotmail.com (nathan arruda)
- questions
- From: mvanamburgh@charter.net (Mike VanAmburgh)