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wanted parts
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At 02:16 PM 11/11/02 -0500, NarcolepticFlea@aol.com wrote:
>Here is a list of parts I'm looking for:
>1. Cloth floormats with VW symbol embroidered on them (black in excellent
>2. Door runners with 'Scirocco' on them (saw them in Rick A.'s '81(?) Rocc)
>3. Grant-type steering wheel with colored VW symbol in center, excellent
>4. set of 3-spoke BBS (or imitation) rims, tires not needed, must be in
>good shape
>5. round cap that covers the shifting linkage on underside of car
>My friends and family wanted birthday and x-mas ideas and so this is what
>I gave them and would like to make their search a little easier.
>P.S.- Even if you don't have it, leads on where I can find it would be
>appreciated. Also, a list of junkyards that may have these items in the NY
>area would be appreciated as well.
The door runners you can get from just about any MkI Scirocco; just look in
the junk yards. (Check car-part.com a salvage yard search)
The round cover that covers the bottom of the shifter you could get from a
dealer, parts car, or someone like Potterman.
Cloth floor mats shouldn't be too hard to find, maybe Potterman can get
them(not sure), probably the dealer can or some type of accessory catalog.
- References:
- wanted parts
- From: NarcolepticFlea@aol.com (NarcolepticFlea@aol.com)