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Rednecks 1, Exh. manifold nuts 0.
well got around to getting the header on the silver scirocco($1500)... man
the stuff brett speaks of, PB blaster.. works wonders..... all the 15 yr old
nuts came out with little problem except one that started to round out. yeah
you know the one thats the biggest pita! lower side of the ex maifold second
from left.. so a few trips to the local auto parts store yeilded no suitible
nut breaker... so in a last ditch effort we broke out the bad mammer
jammer.... yeah the air hammer!!!!! but a sharp chisel on it and went to work
and sure enough 30 secons later we have a naked unharmmed exhaust stud. this
is like the third or fourth time this thing has more than paid for it's
btw, pb blaster is very flamable........