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Bad K/S module on 16v...
Yup. New one for me, never even heard of one going bad before=
I've been working on the 87' for the past 2 nights trying to get=
it to start. The engine from the 85' has been in for a little=
over a week now and I finally got around to connecting all the=
acc's and wiring. But the fuel pumps wouldn't run unless=
jumpered, and even then, only the main pump barely. I tested the=
wiring, all good. I pulled the main pump from the 85' and put it=
on the 87' (still need to swap the tank pump). Still didn't work=
unless jumped, but it sounded healthier at least. Finally, I=
tried starting the car with the pump jumpered. Nothing! Pull a=
plug wire, instert allen wrench, held it close to the block=
while my friend cranked... nothing?!? Test coil, it's good.=
Check Bentley... says the fuel pumps get signal from K/S=
module... gears are turning.
Pull module from 85', connect to 87' wiring. Cranks right up!
Can someone explain why a bad K/S module would cause a no-spark=
Now to finish the suspension (frozen lower rear shock bolts)...
Thanks for letting me rant. Later,