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Josh & Cincy - was Re: ATTN:Kevin Collins (front reinforcement)
--- Josh Able <mkii@nycap.rr.com> wrote:
> Idiot, I said it worked due to my wheel set up, I only
> brought Shine up
> about the Chassis issue, not handling. Now go away dummy.
Josh, if you're going to continue with this attitude -
don't bother coming to Cincy. I don't need this kind of
crap here. We're adults, not 3rd graders. You each have
opinions - deal with it and move on.
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80 S, 81 S, '82, '85, & '88 Sciroccos
'82 Pickup
'90 Passat Wagon
"Never joke, taunt or dangle what might be seen as a challenge in front of the powers that be. The universe is listening." - Lane Wallace
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