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[Re: My car is running again]

On 5/30/02 4:04 PM, "Larry" <rocco16v@netzero.com> wrote:

>> another
>> school of thought, the "leave it till it totally fails" concept.
> ...this is a popular position, often taken by the
> young/inexperienced......'specially those with parents close-by.  :)

LOL!! True, my Girlfriend seems _very_ versed in this concept. Her 86 Jetta
GLI is so neglected I'm embarrased to be associated with it.
After 2 years of maintaining her car, and catching flak every time I needed
to take care of one of _my_ cars, I decided to stop. I made a note of
telling her that from there on out, she would need to _ask_ for my help, and
schedule a time with me to do it, etc. 9 months later I had to remind her
that it was probably a good time to change the oil. I've informed her that
both inner and outer CV boots are busted on the driver's side drive shaft,
and she's leaking tranny fluid from her drive flange seals. I'm waiting to
see which will break first, the CV joint or the tranny. Then she'll really
have to BEG to borrow one of "my damn cars". Heh, remind me to set my koni's
to full stiffness. 

Good thing the rest of her personality and everything make up for it,
otherwise she'd be gone. :-)


PS. She really is a lovely girl, I'm just venting a little.